
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nakajin Youth Retreat with Koza

This past weekend, I went as a leader/worship leader to the youth retreat at my church. It was a lot of fun and I got to know some of the students better. I love being a youth leader and am so glad that I get to help with the youth group here.

driving up... cool picture taken with my new cell phone

driving up a day late with Kenny and Clark

driving... nice drive, pretty clouds

our view of the sunset while driving... living on an island has its perks!

first night I was there - 2am move to the cafeteria because of the mouse in our cabin. Every time we'd fall back to sleep it would make a ton of noise again... and we were on the floor and freaked out. so we carried our air mattresses to the cafeteria and finally conked out!

Gretchen and I during some free time.

oh camp pranks. :)

Ok this next one is a video... the kids at the youth retreat asked me to write a song about the Swine Flu... this was what Jenni and I came up with, in the 5 minutes we had to write it. Fun times. :)

beautiful path the the beach.

yes the water is that blue and yes you can see the drop off... cool huh?

our private beach at the camp.

beach. :)

Jenni and I enjoying some beach time.

leaders around the campfire, we got the prime spot.

bonfire on the beach, always a great way to end a retreat.

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