So after being here for 2 1/2 months I was sick of having to tell people that I didn't have a cell phone and that they'd have to call me at home or email me. So I bought a Japanese cell phone. It is a Softbank prepaid cell phone which means that I have a certain amount of minutes that I pay for in advance. In Japan, for the most part, all incoming calls are free, you only have to pay minutes on outgoing calls. So having a prepaid phone works out great for me because most of my friends have Softbank plans so they can call me without it costing them any extra. Basically the phone is just for emergencies and receiving calls because the rate for making calls is very expensive, about the equivalence of $1 a minute. It has been great though, because I can give the number out and people can call me... if you know me at all, you know I hate feeling disconnected so this is a huge help in making me feel like I'm more connected, both in Japan and back home. I also pay $3 every 30 days for unlimited SMS text messaging (within Japan) and unlimited emailing. What is nice is that instead of paying $3 extra, it just comes out of the balance I've already paid for the prepaid minutes. And because I'm me and always try to find easy, cheap (or free) ways to stay connected... I've figured out a system. I can actually send text messages to my friends and family in the states through my cell phone because I have the unlimited email... so if you have Verizon, for example, i would just send an email to (yourtendigetnumber) It goes to your phone and you can text me back. It is great! I kind of had a texting thing on my iPod touch but I have to be connected to wifi to use it, so now I can text from almost anywhere. I can also upload pictures from my phone to facebook and twitter... and even my blog. I'll be uploading some from my phone, kind of mini-blogging so that everyone can see more of what I actually see on a daily basis instead of just the tourist stuff I do. When I see something funny, or culturally interesting, I'll text it from my phone. Very cool right? Well, me and my need-to-stay-connected-self think so.
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