
Friday, November 21, 2008


You never know what doors will open and how you will find them...

Today I walked through a door that I did not even know was open. I was just doing my job, going to a meeting with my boss to discuss with people at University of Southern California the possibilities of starting a Laptop Program in their school of business. What I didn’t realize was that the meeting was with the dean of the School of Business for undergraduate students at USC. I also did not realize that the people from the leasing company that set up the meeting would be interested in me as a student and would end up trying to help me get connections there. Because of this meeting, I have a connection with a dean at USC, not a small feat to say the least. Out of respect for the nature of the meeting, I was not even considering doing anything with this connection, but other people took the reigns and threw me at a very possible open door. I do not know what will come of this, if anything, but I could have an opportunity for graduate school at USC, which is a an offer that does not come around every day. It just makes me laugh, how crazy life can be. You think you are on one path, and you may very well be on a certain path, but the yellow brick road is not always yellow and the people you meet along the way end up changing you and often your plans. I have no idea what is ahead, and while it can be terrifying, it is also very exciting. All I know is that right now I am open to anything, and am trying to work hard in order to be the best that I can be at the things that I am involved in now. So far, doing that is proving to open doors and connections in ways I had never dreamed. I guess a little humility and hard work pays off in the end, and being willing to start small is the key. We will see what happens, but it is exciting to know that God is in control and will often throw things in our path that keep us guessing if we are open to them. I have no idea what is next, and in some ways I have stopped trying to figure it out and am just waiting on the right open door to walk through, knocking on as many as I can when they appear, whether expectedly or unexpectedly.

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