
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hardest Semester - How I'm Dealing

This semester has been by far the most challenging for me, in many different ways. I’m not quite sure how I’ve made it through to this point, other than by the grace of God. For those of you who do not know, I am in my final year of my undergraduate degree at Azusa Pacific University as a music major. My degree will be in Music Education with choral emphasis and Commercial Music with business emphasis. Basically - teaching choir and music business.

This semester, I am taking 18 units, comprised of mostly upper division music courses. I am the choir manager of two performing groups that I also sing in. I am the student manager of the Laptop program at APU within our IT department (IMT). I have to switch around my schedule quite often to do observations and recordings for my classes, as they require outside of class time (which means during other classes). I try to have somewhat of a social life, at least enough to help me stay sane. And on top of it all, I am trying to figure out what is next, looking for something to move ahead towards. I am not complaining about any of this, I was the one who chose all of those things. I love them all individually, and even collectively, there are benefits to being busy. The leadership experience is amazing in all of these areas. However, as I look back on the semester, I wonder how it has gotten to be the end of November already and wonder how I have managed to balance the impossible.

I have somehow balanced most everything and still come out of this crazy semester having great memories with friends and unexchangeable learning experiences. I honestly think it was the lack of time to stop and think about how overwhelmed I have really been, and the fact that I have done most of the overwhelming things in the presence of friends. I have come to realize that I am very people driven, that I am much more likely to get a task done if I am building relationships along the way. I am truly thankful for the new relationships that I have made this semester and am looking forward to developing these relationships further. I know that I will see the benefits of my hard work later, but nothing replaces the people that you get to experience the benefits with. As much as I hate it, High School Musical’s “We’re All In This Together” has been the playlist in my head all semester. Thanks to all of those who have helped me get through this semester with your support, whether it was through your encouragement, sarcasm, prayers, or cookie dough, I hope that I have somehow helped other people get through their difficult semester as much as they have helped me!

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