
Saturday, December 11, 2010

fresh start for my blog

Well, I guess I don't need to tell any of you that I've been slacking in the blog world this year. Last year, I tried really hard to post about every major event at school, sight-seeing trip, and everything in between. I think I tried too hard and got burnt out. This year I haven't really had the time or desire to write long blog posts... so I just haven't written any. I often find myself wanting to post something small to let everyone know what I'm up to and thinking about, but I have felt that it would be out of place in my organized, event-driven blog. So...

I'm giving my blog a fresh start with a new look and a few new goals. My first goal is to write about more of the little stuff in life pertaining to living in Japan, teaching, running (my latest passion), music, spiritual thoughts, friends, and anything else I can think of. My second goal is that this blog would easily transition out of my current life in Japan and into whatever lies ahead. And my third and final goal is to keep things fairly short and easy to read... I want my posts to be worth reading, but I don't want you to feel like you have to break out your laptop power adapter in case your computer dies before you finish reading my latest post.

Over the next few weeks I'll try to catch you up on the last three and a half months and what all I've been up to this school year so far. Hopefully, by January 1st, you'll be all caught up and I'll be able to just write about whatever I feel like. I hope you enjoy!


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