
Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey Everyone! So I have been waiting to tell you all about my plans for next year, but didn't want to publicly say anything until I knew for sure. Watch this video to find out what I'm talking about. If this is the first you're hearing about it - I'm sorry! I wish I could sit down with everyone that I know individually and tell you the whole story... but I figured that if you had to find out about it online, a video was the most personal way. I'll write more about it later to keep everyone updated! Love you all! PS - I'm graduating from college TOMORROW!

(I made this video on Sunday so its a few days old)


Holly Magnuson said...

Congrat Jessica! It sounds like God has opened up such an exciting door for you. You'll do great! I "follow" your blog so I hope to see lots of updates and lots of pictures of what your doing. Blessings!

Faith Kathleen said...

The title of this makes it sound like you are getting married or pregnant or something. ...Japan is cool, too ;)

Miss you! Love you!

Tabitha said...

Speaking of procrastinating...

It definitely does NOT end after college, let me tell you. Because, um, I should be packing right now. Or putting away laundry. Or writing in my OWN blog. But instead, I watched both of your vlogs. Woohoo! Congrats on graduating, and yippee for teaching overseas! Awesome.

Your long lost Bel Canto buddy,